Sweet Chocolately Goodness
I was wandering aimlessly through D&W when I spotted a beer they haven't carried until now, Arcadia Ale's Cocoa Loco. It's a triple chocolate stout brewed with chocolate, molasses and lactose. Mmmmmm mmmm.
As you can see in the photo, it pours a deep black/brown color with a nice creamy head that dissipates pretty quickly to a thin layer of bubbles and bit of lacing on the glass.
The aroma is mostly of chocolate. I couldn't pick up the molasses or malt very much..... but then again, what does molasses smell like?
You can definintely taste the chocolate in it and perhaps the molasses. There is a touch of hoppy bitterness that keeps it from being too sweet.
It's pretty medium bodied. Not too thin, but thinner than I was expecting.
It's a decent beer, but $6.99 for a deuce? I'd rather pick up a sixer of Arcadia Scotch Ale for that price.
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